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Mike Lee

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In a world of disruption, change and adversity Mike Lee helps individual contributors, leaders and organizations activate the purpose-driven, future-focused and heart-centered skills to meet the moment and prepare for what's next.

Uncovering the the limiting beliefs that have been imprinted on you as a child is one of the most empowering practices you can go through as a leader.

We absorb SO much as children. And, while all parents are doing the best they can, with what they have, to the best of their ability there hasn’t been much research on child development until recent years. And, even now it’s not even close to being mainstream. Ages 0-3 are incredibly crucial.

I love my parents and I know they love me, but that doesn’t always mean they knew (or know) what’s best for me. I don’t blame them. Until a couple of generations ago, you were successful as a parent if your kids survived. Today it’s significantly different – especially if you’ve raised someone from the Gen Z or millennial generation. Not only do they want to survive, they want to thrive. They crave purpose in their lives and work beyond themselves.

The reality of it is that most parents give their kids advice to keep them safe. They don’t give their kids advice on how to live life fully and play all out.

And because this is how most of us were raised it limits us in our abilities to lead, to navigate change, and to see opportunities where others see risks.

Until you uncover and release what was imprinted on you as a child by your parents, teachers or other influential experiences there will most likely be subconscious limiting beliefs that hold you back.

One way to uncover these and bring them to the surface so they can be released is through a Limiting Beliefs Stream of Consciousness Exercise

  1. Schedule a time where you’ll have at least 20 minutes of time
  2. Get a couple sheets of paper, a pen and a match or lighter
  3. Set a timer for 5 minutes
  4. Place your pen to the paper write out any limiting thought that comes to mind without taking your pen off the paper. Even if you repeat a thought.
  5. When the timer is up, keep writing if you need to.
  6. Take the paper to a safe place, burn it and watch what is holding you back go up in flames.

When I did this exercise it blew my mind what came to the surface for me.

“I have no friends”

“I’m a loser”

“I’m not successful in business”

“People always leave”

I could go on and on and on. But, what happened when I saw these thoughts literally go up in flames was no short of a miracle.

They went from being limiting beliefs to limiting thoughts that I had once held a different point in my life.

It was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. More so like a barbell with 3 plates on each side before doing a set of squats.

While there is a time and place for vulnerability in leadership, you also have to be able to lead with unwavering faith, to stay connected to a vision that is greater than your current circumstances, and be a catalyst for what is possible.

Only until you release the imprints from your childhood can you step in your true power as a leader.

If you’re looking to step into your power as a leader, my RISE Coaching program, might be a fit for you. It’s a non-traditional approach to developing leaders from the inside out. Drop me an email at to learn more.

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