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Mike Lee

About the author

In a world of disruption, change and adversity Mike Lee helps individual contributors, leaders and organizations activate the purpose-driven, future-focused and heart-centered skills to meet the moment and prepare for what's next.

Many times in life or business when adversity hits the first question we ask is “why?” or “how could this be happening?”. But, when we look back we find gratitude for that experience because of what we have learned, who we’ve become and therefore, what we can teach, create and build.

Back in 2015 on a cold, rainy March day in Seattle, I found myself trapped inside my hotel room, sweating through my sheets, chronically nauseous and having these crazy out of body experiences.I could not figure out what was wrong with me. Even though I knew I wasn’t addicted to anything I kept having this recurring thought.

“This is what it must feel like to go through withdrawal.”

And, finally by the end of the weekend I realized that I actuallywasgoing through withdrawal. But, not from something you’d typically expect.I was going through withdrawal from an antidepressant medication I had been on for the last 14 years.

I had made a personal decision to get off of this medication, but it didn’t come without massive adversity. Even though I tapered off the medication 3 times slower than my psychiatrist suggested I’d have these episodes where I’d go from laughing to crying to chronic anxiety to deep states of depression — all within a couple hours. At the core I just couldn’t get present and focus on the work I wanted to do in the world. I was in so much fear of losing a business I had built out of my college apartment.

So I knew I needed a tool to help me win this battle ground that had been created in my mind. Because that’s what it felt like, every single day, that I was going to war in my mind. At that point I had been practicing yoga consistently for about a year and decided to commit to a daily mindfulness meditation practice, which led me down a path of researching, discovering and implementing strategies to cultivate emotional resilience.During this time all I could focus on was getting myself through the day. But, six years later I see the bigger picture.

Over the past several months I’ve delivered virtual programs to companies like IBM and Cisco, as well as several professional associations to help people cultivate the skills needed to unlock the resilience within. I now know I went through this to equip others with the skills needed to move through the mental health crisis we are facing today from a place of incredibly authentic empathy. Which is why I created,A Course In Well-Being, to help people handle adversity, navigate uncertainty and move their businesses forward.

We have limited spots available for organizations looking to take their people on a journey of personal evolution and transformation — ultimately impacting your bottom line results.

And, if you’re looking for a highly customized, personal approach our coaching program might be a great fit.Drop me an emailfor more details.

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