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Mike Lee

About the author

In a world of disruption, change and adversity Mike Lee helps individual contributors, leaders and organizations activate the purpose-driven, future-focused and heart-centered skills to meet the moment and prepare for what's next.




“No one wants to work for a robot. They want to work for a leader who’s in their heart.”

Have you ever tried meditation, but your mind won’t shut off?

Maybe that inner-critic becomes too much to deal with so you think, “I can’t meditate” and never try it again?

Or your mind keeps drifting so much that you feel like you’re doing it wrong?

Your solution might be conscious connected Breathwork. Before you say, “I’ve already done breathwork before in yoga or meditation” stay with me for a moment.

In January of 2015, I went from a crisis meditator — meditating only in reaction to a stressor — to committing to a daily mindfulness meditation every single morning. I developed more presence, self-awareness and a sense of inner-peace in those moments of stillness than ever before. This experience led me down a rabbit hole trying to learn more about the hundreds of different types of meditation.

So one day in the fall I walked into a meditation studio in Los Angeles to take a class called Breathwork with Jon Paul Crimi. While there are dozens of people who have impacted my life, there is a much shorter list of those who I can say transformed it. And, Jon Paul is on that list. My experience was that Breathwork was like mindfulness meditation on steroids. The sense of presence, inner-peace, and wholeness experienced in a mindfulness practice was amplified 10X. I felt fully connected to my own heart for the first time in my life.

“If we can’t connect to our own hearts we can’t connect to the hearts of the people we lead. We have to be heart-centered to move people, inspire people and lead people” – Jon Paul Crimi

Jon Paul is one of the world’s most sought-after breathwork meditation teachers, which is a form of active meditation.

What makes him stand apart is his east coast no-nonsense approach, which I can definitely attest to. He has taken the “New Agey” part out of breathwork and both companies and corporations are filling his calendar. CEOs and the Forbes set have found themselves in his classes and have hired him to teach all their employees to decrease stress, conquer limiting beliefs and be the most authentic version of themselves. Jon Paul has appeared on Good Morning America and has been featured in The Huffington Post and The Hollywood Reporter. Jon Paul believes there is no one who can’t benefit from this practice and he has the Olympians, Oscar, Emmy and Grammy winners to prove it.

Let’s dive in.

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